Sunday, July 27, 2008

The X-Files: I Want To Believe

OK! Now, it's time to review another film.


Well, I'm not gonna spoil anything.

But one thing is certain. This film is a standalone sequel to the TV series, meaning that this film still retains their storyline, but the details are not related to their alien mythos. Instead, they are dealing with something inhumane and questionable.

I'm not gonna say what it is. You have to find out.

Also, as a teaser, there will be a romantic twist of a plot in the end of this film.

And be sure to stay behind during the credits. There will be something interesting there.

Anyway, the character development here is solid. However, the plot got lost halfway through the entire film, making it "broken".

So, A rating of 4/5 should do justice.


Alucard Yamada