Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Leap Years (2008 film)

OK! I'm gonna share my thoughts on this film, "The Leap Years".

The Leap Years

Basically, this film is down-right, down-to-earth, as-real-as-it-gets love story with a historical background to boot. That is, the tradition of February 29th. Hence, the title of this film.

Based on the novella "Leap of Love" by Dr. Catherine Lim, I have to say that of all the book-to-film adaptations out there in the cinemas, The Leap Years is truly true to the source material.

And yeah, no person will be spared from the heartfelt memories. And yeah, I even cried during the film. It's that powerful.

So, I'm gonna give this one a perfect score of 5 stars!


And if you haven't watch this film, go ahead and watch it. I recommend this film to anyone and everyone.

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