Sunday, May 17, 2009

DOUBLE RUMBLE Movie Reviews: "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and "Star Trek"

OK! This is the first (and hopefully the last time) that I will fit in two movie reviews into one article.

So, without further ado, let me present the movie reviews!



OK. This movie is explicitly straight-forward. Wolverine is "immortal", becomes the Adamantium-skeletoned "WEAPON X", blah blah blah.

But before we go to the commotion that we have already known, the movie gave us more than we bargained for.

It gives an insight to his extended lives, romances, and above all, how he became the Wolverine that we all know and love.

Whatever the case, this movie have some flaws that needed to be explained.

For this, I give a 4/5.


It's not bad, but it has some missing plot holes that have yet to be filled. Thankfully, a sequel is on the way.

Next, we have another movie review!



A reboot to the Star Trek franchise, I must say that it was a sudden disaster. I like how J.J. Abrams delivers the movie in the right direction by respecting to all the Star Trek mythos.

HOWEVER, I feel that the movie is Star Warsy for some reason.

Anyway, to sum it all up:

New timeline with screws gone loose!

Kirk's father died, thanks to Captain Nero, an asshole who travels back in time.

Kirk becomes an asshole, Spock becomes an asshole, everyone else follow suit.

It's a funhouse gone mad!

Anyway, enough of the biasness. Let's go for a retrospective insight.

To be honest, the movie delivers. It is great for the general audience and the new trekkies. But for the hardcore trekkies, this movie is really hard to swallow.

For this, I give it a 3/5 (sorry J.J. Abrams)


It's a damn good movie, but it's on par with Cloverfield (It's that mediocre)

For that, I sum'd up this article with a big thank you!

Hopefully I can make more reviews in the long run.

Till then, have a happy spring season!

Akado Kogane

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